
Andhov Marta
Marta Andhov is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law, the University of Copenhagen. Her main research interests focus on public procurement law, sustainability, governmental contracts and interaction between public and private law in the context of international trade. Currently, Marta is involved in several exciting projects. She is a co-host of popularBestek Public Procurement Podcast, which hopes to contribute to solutions and better understand public procurement law through informal yet in-depth discussions.

Bogdanowicz Piotr
Piotr Bogdanowicz is an associate professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University. My Ph.D. dissertation (2010) was devoted to the notion of public interest in EU energy law and my habilitation (2019) to the modification of a contract in EU public procurement law. His research revolves around the rule of law in the European Union, EU public procurement law and State aid. He is the author of more than 80 publications, including 4 books, 2 commentaries and articles in prestigious academic journals such as Common Market Law Review, European Constitutional Law Review or Public Procurement Law Review.

Burgi Martin
Prof. Dr. Martin Burgi is a Professor of Public and European Law and Director of the Research Center for Public Procurement Law and Administrative Cooperation. He is a Visiting Professor at the George-Washington-University Law School and the Universidad Autónoma, Madrid. He is the author of several books and articles.

Butler Luke R. A.
Dr Luke R A Butler researches broadly in the fields of public contracting and regulated industries, spanning disciplines as diverse as EU law, public law, contract law, commercial law, socio-legal studies and regulation. Luke has a particular interest in defence procurement and the regulation of defence trade. He is the author of Transatlantic Defence Procurement (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming) and continues to write on topical issues in public procurement.

Caranta Roberto
Roberto Caranta is full professor with the Law Department of the University of Turin (Italy). Director of the Master program Gouvernance et management des marchés publics en appui au développement durable – GOMAP organized by his University and the ITCILO. He is often consulted by EU and MS institutions. He is working on institutional issues of EU law, and specifically judicial review, environmental law, and public procurement law. He was the General rapporteur to the 2014 FIDE Congress in Copenhagen: ‘General Report’ in U. Neergaard, C. Jackson, G.S. Ølykke (eds) Public Procurement Law: Limitations, Opportunities and Paradoxes. The XXVI FIDE Congress in Copenhagen, 2014 Congress Publications Vol. 3 (DJØF, 2014).

Comba Mario
Mario Comba (born 1965) is professor of public comparative law at the University of Torino (Italy), where he teaches Comparative Economic Law and Comparative Public law. He is President of SCR Piemonte S.p.A. (the central purchasing body of the Regione Piemonte) and of the European Health Public Procurement Alliance (EHPPA) and member of the Council of the European Law Institute. He is member of both the research networks Public Contracts in Legal Globalization / Contrats Publics dans la Globalisation Juridique and PLAN – Procurement Law Academic Network. He is Reporter, with J. Jowell and S. Cassese, of the research project on “Common Constitutional Traditions”, funded by the European Law Institute, the European Commission, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Université de Aix-Marseille, UCL, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public law and International law, Heidelberg.

Dragos Dacian
Dr. Dacian C. DRAGOS is Jean Monnet Professor of Administrative and European Law, Public Administration Department, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania; EU expert for the implementation of the Administrative Procedure Code in Albania. Vice-president of the Scientific Council of the University; former Vice Dean and then Acting Dean of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (2008-2012); Marie Curie Fellow at Michigan State University (2005-2006); Romanian Writers Association National Prize for legal research (2003); Scientific Coordinator of the Commission for drafting the Administrative Procedure Code of Romania (2006-2008) and Expert in the Commission for drafting the Administrative Code (2010-2011).

Gabayet Nicolas
Nicolas Gabayet (LLM 2007, PhD 2013) is a full professor of Public Law at Jean Monnet University – Centre de Recherches Critiques sur le Droit (CERCRID) in Saint-Étienne, France. Nicolas is the Editor in chief of the law journal Droit Public Comparé – Comparative Public Law, and he specializes in Comparative law, Public Contracts and Administrative Law. Beside several articles on Public Contracts and on English Administrative Law, he authored a book on the comparison of the performance of public contracts in England and France and he edited a book on the development of rulings as an administrative procedure.

Halonen Kirsi-Maria
Kirsi-Maria Halonen is a Professor at the University of Lapland, Finland and holds a Title of Docent at the University of Turku, Finland. She is a member at the European Commission Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement and Swedish Competition Authority’s research council. She currently leads several research projects funded by the Academy of Finland and Finnish Ministries relating to public procurement, security of supply and state aid rules. Kirsi-Maria founded the Finnish Public Procurement Association in 2016, which currently has 350 members. She has more than 15 years of experience from research and practice regarding public procurement law.

Hamer Carina Risvig
Carina Risvig Hamer, is an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She holds a PhD in public procurement law from Copenhagen Business School from 2012. The topic of her Thesis was “Public contracts, not covered, or not fully covered, by the Public Sector Directive” DJØF Publishing 2012. She has previously been employed at the University of Southern Denmark latest as a professor (Wsr).

Janssen Willem A.
Willem A. Janssen is an Associate Professor in European and Dutch Public Procurement Law at the law department of Utrecht University, and a researcher at the interdisciplinary Centre for Public Procurement and RENFORCE. In addition to his monologue EU Public Procurement Law & Self-organisation, he has published extensively in international and Dutch academic journals on pressing issues related to cooperation, sustainability, social injustice and societal value.

Krönke Christoph
Christoph Krönke is a full University Professor of Public Law at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business. His research interests include public economic law and the law of digitalization, in particular the law of the digital economy. Professor Krönke studied law at Ruprecht Karl University in Heidelberg (2003-2005) and at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (2005-2009). He received his doctorate in law in 2013 with a dissertation on European administrative law. In his habilitation thesis of 2020, Professor Krönke developed the foundations of the “Regulation of the Digital Economy”, with a focus on the regulation of digital platforms and networks as well as intelligent systems.

Lichère François
François Lichère is a Professor of public law at the University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Director of the Chair on public contracts law. After graduating in law at the University of Montpellier (Licence) and at the Institut d’études politiques d’Aix-en-Provence in political sciences, he passed a Master’s degree in public law (Diplome d’Etudes approfondies) and then his PhD in public law (doctorat) at the University of Montpellier in 1998. He was appointed Lecturer in public law (Maître de conferences) in 1999 and Professor of public law in 2000 at the University of Metz after he succeeded at the “Agregation”. He then moved to the Universities of Montpellier (2002), Aix-Marseille (2008) and Lyon 3 (2017). In 2004-2005, he spent a sabbatical at the University of Cambridge (UK). Since 2000, he has been teaching administrative law, public contracts law and public law in relation to business (droit public économique, including State aids). In 2020, he founded the Chaire de droit des contrats publics, whose aim is to study the practical effects of public contracts law with the help of three post-doctorates researchers.

Neamtu Bogdana
Bogdana Neamțu is Associate professor, PhD, and Head of the Department of Public Administration and Management at Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania. She also co-directs together with prof. Dacian Dragos the Center for Good Governance Studies, a unique research entity focused on advancing interdisciplinary research in areas such as administrative transparency, Europeanization of the Romanian administrative law, sustainable public procurement, corruption, etc.

Racca Gabriella M.
Gabriella M. Racca is Full Professor of Administrative Law at the Department of Management, University of Turin (Italy). She has been co-director together with Prof. Christopher R. Yukins (George Washington University) of two research projects that both led to a book, one on “Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts. Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally” [published in Droit Administratif / Administrative Law Collection (Directed by J. B. Auby), Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2014] and the second on “Joint Public Procurement and Innovation: lessons across borders” [published in Droit Administratif / Administrative Law Collection (Directed by J. B. Auby), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2019, available online at this link].

Raimundo Miguel Assis
Miguel Assis Raimundo is Associate Professor of the University of Lisbon’s School of Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), where he teaches since 2006, and Research Fellow of Lisbon Public Law, the Lisbon Center for Research in Public Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Público), since 2013. He maintains regular collaborations with other schools, namely the School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University (Universidade Católica Portuguesa).

Richetto Sara
Sara Richetto was born in Turin the 27/04/1985. She has been practicing as a Lawyer at the Turin Bar since 2011. Her professional activity focuses on litigation and advisory activity on public procurement, public-private partnership, utilities, state aid to private companies, zoning and building permission, and the environment.

Sanchez-Graells Albert
Albert Sanchez-Graells is a Professor of Economic Law and Director of the Centre for Global Law and Innovation at the University of Bristol Law School. He specialises in EU economic law and, in particular, in competition and public procurement law and policy. His research concentrates on the public sector’s interaction with the market and on the delivery of public services, especially healthcare. He takes an economically-informed approach to his legal research and is particularly keen on the analysis of the systems of incentives and enforcement mechanisms that law creates or facilitates. Albert is currently researching the impact of digital technologies on procurement governance.

Telles Pedro
Dr. Pedro Telles is an expert in public procurement regulation, interested in analysing the law in context and changing practice. To this end most of his research to date has a mixed methods approach (law with social sciences and quasi natural experiments) which led to him giving evidence to the Local Authorities Select Committee at Westminster in 2013 and having his research in improving low value procurement adopted by the Federation of Small Businesses in 2014. You can find some of Pedro’s academic publications at and his more practice focused pieces at He comments regularly on topical public procurement issues at his blog

Treumer Steen
Steen Treumer was Professor of Public Procurement Law and Privatization Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. He published his prize-awarded Ph.D dissertation in 2000 on the principle of equal treatment of tenderers in the EU public procurement rules. His numerous international publications on public procurement law include many in the leading international journal Public Procurement Law Review which he has co-edited as from 2006. Steen Treumer was also editing the European Procurement Law Series together with Professor Roberto Caranta. Among his works are Modernising Public Procurement (editor with Professor Mario Comba), Edward Elgar Publishing 2018; Udbudsloven (on the Danish Public Procurement Act), editor Steen Treumer (34 authors), Ex Tuto Publishing 2016; The Applied Law and Economics of Public Procurement (editor with Professor Gustavo Piga), Routledge 2013 and Competitive Dialogue in the EU (editor with Professor Sue Arrowsmith), Cambridge University Press 2012.

Trybus Martin
Martin Trybus is Professor of European Law and Policy and Director of the Institute of European Law at the University of Birmingham (Birmingham Law School), United Kingdom and Visiting Fellow at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. His research focuses on EU law, especially law and policy relating to public procurement and to defense integration. He is the author of Buying Defence and Security in Europe: The EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive in Context (CUP, 2014, in Chinese in 2018), and numerous academic articles. He is also the editor or co-editor of a number of collections, including EU Public Contract Law: Public Procurement and Beyond (Bruylant, 2014) with Roberto Caranta and Gunilla Edelstam and Public Procurement: The Continuing Revolution (Kluwer, 2002) with Sue Arrowsmith. His most recent publications dealt with small and medium-sized enterprises and public procurement.

Valcárcel Patricia
Patricia Valcárcel is Associate Professor of Administrative Law (with the qualification for Full Professor), at the University of Vigo (Spain). She holds a Ph.D. in Law (Summa Cum Laude and Extraordinary Doctorate Prize).
She has been visiting scholar in different Universities, such as the Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), Universidade da Lusíada (Lisbon, Portugal); or the University of Nottingham (UK).