Gabayet Nicolas
Nicolas Gabayet (LLM 2007, PhD 2013) is a full professor of Public Law at Jean Monnet University – Centre de Recherches Critiques sur le Droit (CERCRID) in Saint-Étienne, France.
Nicolas is the Editor in chief of the law journal Droit Public Comparé – Comparative Public Law, and he specializes in Comparative law, Public Contracts and Administrative Law. Beside several articles on Public Contracts and on English Administrative Law, he authored a book on the comparison of the performance of public contracts in England and France and he edited a book on the development of rulings as an administrative procedure.
Nicolas had several academic experiences abroad. He had been a visiting researcher at University of Cambridge (2008), University of Turin (2015) and a visiting professor at Queen’s Belfast (2019). Besides, he had taught at Universidade de Sao Paulo (2022), St Joseph Beyrouth (2021), and Sorbonne Abu Dhabi (2017-2019).