Roberto Caranta and Willem A. Janssen explore the coherence of the 2014 Public Procurement Directives in new studies
We are excited to announce that on February 3rd, Professors Roberto Caranta and Willem A. Janssen, members of EPLG, have presented their preliminary insights on the internal and external coherence of the EU 2014 Public Procurement Directives to national experts at the Council in Brussels. Stay tuned—their full contributions on this important topic will be available soon!
Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education
EPLG member Prof. Roberto Caranta contributed to the recently published book Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education, edited by Lela Melon and published on December 12, 2023, by Routledge. Caranta’s chapter is titled ‘Public procurement for the SDGs – Rethinking the basics’.
Sustainable Food Procurement. Legal, Social and Organisational Challenges
EPLG member Prof. Roberto Caranta co-edited the new book Sustainable Food Procurement. Legal, Social, and Organisational Challenges, together with experts Mark Stein, Maurizio Mariani and Yiannis Polychronakis. The anthology was published on February 23, 2024 by Routledge. The book features two contributions from EPLG members: Roberto Caranta authored the chapter titled The impact of the “Farm to Fork” strategy on sustainable food and catering procurement and Marta Anhov co-authored the chapter Transforming food systems. The role of public procurement.
Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law. Reflections on a Paradigm Shift
EPLG members Willem Janssen and Roberto Caranta co-edited the anthology “Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law. Reflections on a Paradigm Shift”. The book, published on 5 October 2023 by Bloomsbury Publishing, provides the first comprehensive appraisal of the paradigm shift towards mandatory sustainability requirements in EU public procurement law. The book includes novel sectoral studies on transport, food, clothing, and construction, discussing how change is taking place and what its major challenges are for the future. Chapters on Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and more, offer case studies of Member States that have already introduced mandatory requirements and highlight lessons learnt.
European Public Procurement. Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU
Co-edited by Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells, this detailed Commentary provides an authoritative interpretation of each provision in the main EU Directive on public procurement – Directive 2014/24/EU, and is rich in its critical analysis of the provisions of the 2014 Directive and the case-law. The Commentary also highlights the application problems and interpretative issues being raised in EU Member States, which in due time will make their way up to the CJEU or even require further legislative interventions.
Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU
In view of the fact that public infrastructure, health and other services are being more consistently delivered through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and concessions; this timely book explores these complex contractual arrangements involving cooperation between public and private sectors. It considers that PPPs have become increasingly prevalent following the financial crisis and examines the applicable legal regimes that are still, to a large extent, unclear to many.
EPLG Members Caranta, Lichère, Telles and Trybus spoke at the Colloque Teckal in Lyon on 12 February 2020 🗓 🗺
EPLG members Roberto Caranta, François Lichère, Pedro Telles and Martin Trybus spoke at the Colloque L’exception in house, 20 ans après l’arrêt Teckal, that was organised on 12 February 2020 at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III. Here is the flyer of the event.
XII Meeting of the EPLG Members was held in Turin on the 13th of September 2019. Discussions focused on Central Purchasing Bodies in the EU 🗓 🗺
This year´s meeting focused on Central Purchasing Bodies in the EU and addressed topics of interest from a general and comparative perspective. as well as national reports on the use of CPBs in the different EU Member States.
Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness. A Roadmap under Construction
This edited collection fills a significant gap in the literature by gathering contributions from the most prominent academics and practitioners of aid and procurement. It explores the economic, political and legal relationship between procurement and aid effectiveness in developing countries, and takes stock of current debates in the field.
EPLG Members Contributed to a new book on Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness
EPLG Members Roberto Caranta and Carol Cravero contributed to the new book Public Procurement and Aid Effectiveness. A Roadmap under Construction, edited by Annamaria La Chimia and Peter Trepte (Hart, Oxford, 2019). The book is available here.