New book ‘Public procurement – Centralisation and new trends’

ISBN: 9788757454796 
Publication date: 12 April 2024 
Price: 500 kr 
 347 pp 
Publisher: Djøf Forlag 


The book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’ is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The publication contains many contributions within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement, also based on presentations given at a conference organised in 2023 as part of the CPB Project.

This work is co-edited by Carina Risvig Hamer, professor of administrative law and public procurement at the University of Copenhagen, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, professor of public economic law at the University of Lapland, and Magdalena Socha, PhD fellow in EU public procurement law at the University of Copenhagen.

Along with Carina and Kirsi-Maria, Albert Sanchez-Graells and Mario Comba, also EPLG members, contributed to the book.

You can buy the book here.