• New book ‘Public procurement – Centralisation and new trends’

    EPLG members, Profs. Carina Risvig Hamer and Kirsi-Maria Halonen co-edited the book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’, published by the Danish publisher Djøf Forlag in April 2024. The book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’ is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The publication contains many contributions within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement, also based on presentations given at a conference organised in 2023 as part of the CPB Project.

  • Transparency in EU Procurements. Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution

    This book provides a timely analysis of transparency in public procurement law. In its first part, the book critically assesses a number of key matters from a general and comparative perspective, including corruption prevention, competition and commercial issues and access to remedies. The second part illustrates how the relevance of these aspects varies across member states of the EU.    

  • Members Blog,  News

    New EPLG book! Transparency in EU Procurements

    Transparency in EU Procurements. Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution, a new book co-edited by EPLG Members Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells, is on pre-sale now (please visit this address)! From the publisher’s website: This book provides a timely analysis of transparency in public procurement law. In its first part, the book critically assesses a number of key matters from a general and comparative perspective, including corruption prevention, competition and commercial issues and access to remedies. The second part illustrates how the relevance of these aspects varies across member states of the EU.

  • Legislation

    First Meeting of the New European Commission’s Stakeholder Experts Group on Public Procurement 🗓 🗺

    The first meeting of the new group of experts in the European Commission’s Stakeholder Experts Group on Public Procurement took place on 3rd of April in Bucharest, Romania. EPLG’s member from Finland Dr. Kirsi-Maria Halonen is part of the current Experts Group continuing bringing academic input to the work of the Group following the example of Dr. Albert Sanchez Graells, an EPLG member who was part of the Group during the previous mandate. In the April meeting, Dr. Halonen gave a presentation on collusion in public procurement focusing on consortia bids and bids from affiliated companies. The discussion on collusion is related to Commission’s plans to draft guidelines in relation…

  • Events,  Members Blog,  News

    European Procurement Law Group’s meeting, Helsinki 4-5 September 2017 🗓 🗺

    On 4-5 September 2017,​ the members of the European Procurement Law Group will assemble to Group’s annual meeting. This year the meeting will be hosted by Dr. Kirsi-Maria Halonen in Helsinki, Finland. During these two days the Group will discuss matters related to transparency at different stages of public procurement procedure, during the contract execution phase as well as during court proceedings. This will be the topic of the Group’s next comparative book on public procurement, including chapters on the objectives of disclosure and transparency rules as well as country chapters from Denmark, EU institutions, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden. Update 5 September 2017: here…

  • Events,  Members Blog,  News

    EPLG Members Spoke at the Copenhagen University on May 4 and 5 🗓 🗺

    On May 4 and 5, 2017, EPLG members Piotr Bogdanowicz, Roberto Caranta, Dacian Dragos, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Steen Treumer and Martin Trybus spoke at the international conference on Procurement beyond price: Sustainability and CSR in public purchasing, organised by Marta Andrecka at the Copenhagen University. Presentations are available at this link. Here are some pictures from the conference.

  • Characteristics of Separate Operational Units – A Study on Aggregation Rules under Public Procurement Law

    The principle of effectiveness is one of the fundamental principles in EU law. Even though the principle ensures the effectiveness of all EU legislation, it also has a key role in the interpretation of EU procurement rules. The Cour of Justice of the European Union has often address the principle of effectiveness in its case law and has consistently held that, in the absence of EU rules governing the matter, it is for every member state to lay down the detailed rules of administrative and judicial procedures for safeguarding rights, which individuals derive from EU law.