Transparency in EU Procurements. Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution
This book provides a timely analysis of transparency in public procurement law. In its first part, the book critically assesses a number of key matters from a general and comparative perspective, including corruption prevention, competition and commercial issues and access to remedies. The second part illustrates how the relevance of these aspects varies across member states of the EU.
New EPLG book! Transparency in EU Procurements
Transparency in EU Procurements. Disclosure Within Public Procurement and During Contract Execution, a new book co-edited by EPLG Members Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells, is on pre-sale now (please visit this address)! From the publisher’s website: This book provides a timely analysis of transparency in public procurement law. In its first part, the book critically assesses a number of key matters from a general and comparative perspective, including corruption prevention, competition and commercial issues and access to remedies. The second part illustrates how the relevance of these aspects varies across member states of the EU.
EPLG Members Butler, Roberto Caranta, Halonen, Racca and Trybus will be at the Public Procurement: Global Revolution IX 🗓 🗺
EPLG members Luke Butler, Roberto Caranta, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Gabriella Racca and Martin Trybus will be at the Public Procurement: Global Revolution IX: see the programme at
Forthcoming event on Sustainable public procurement between the EU ad the US (New York, 5 April 2019) 🗓 🗺
EPLG Member Roberto Caranta will speak at the Transatlantic Roundtable on Sustainable Public Procurement, to be held at Pace University – Lower Manhattan/Downtown Campus, New York, on 5 April 2019. Here is the Rountable flyer.
EPLG Members will speak at the PhD Colloquium on Public Procurement in Turin on 22 March 2019 🗓 🗺
EPLG Members Mario Comba, Roberto Caranta, Pedro Telles and Martin Trybus will be among the speakers conversing with the future generation of public procurement academics and specialist, on the occasion of the PhD Colloquium on Public Procurement that will be held in Turin on 22 March 2019. Here is the Colloquium flyer.
Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law (contributions by Caranta and Sanchez-Graells)
The Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law, edited by Michael Steinicke and Peter L. Vesterdorf (Nomos/Hart, Oxford, 2018) features contributions by EPLG Members Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells. The book is available here.
EPLG Members Contributed to the Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law
EPLG Members Roberto Caranta and Albert Sanchez-Graells contributed to the Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law, edited by Michael Steinicke and Peter L. Vesterdorf (Nomos/Hart, Oxford, 2018). The book is available here.
Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law: contributions by Caranta and Sanchez-Graells
EPLG Members Roberto Caranta e Albert Sanchez-Graells have contributed to the Brussels Commentary on EU Public Procurement Law (Nomos/Hart, 2018).
Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards – new book out (with 20% discount here)
A new book will be published in March 2018, edited by EPLG member Albert Sanchez Graells: Smart Public Procurement and Labour Standards. Pushing the Discussion After Regiopost (Bloomsbury 2018). The book also contains contributions by other EPLG Members Piotr Bogdanowicz and Roberto Caranta. The book can be pre-ordered at Just use the use the discount code CV7 at the checkout for a 20% discount. Here is a flyer, available for circulation. And here is the abstract: Smart procurement aims to leverage public buying power in pursuit of social, environmental and innovation goals. Socially-orientated smart procurement has been a controversial issue under EU law. The extent to which the Court of Justice (ECJ) has supported…
New issue of the EPPPL Review just out! (with contributions by several EPLG members)
The latest issue of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership was just released. It contains articles by the following EPLG members: Roberto Caranta, Dacian Dragos, Pedro Telles, and Martin Trybus. You can download the table of contents here.