Digitalisation of public procurement: 6th research report by the Chair of Public Contract Law
La Chaire de droit des contrats publics (the Chair) of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, published in December 2023 the report ‘La digitalisation de la commande publique‘ (Digitalisation of public procurement). The study investigates whether digitalisation contributes directly or indirectly to improving and facilitating the practice of public procurement professionals, as well as to satisfying the fundamental principles of public procurement (equal access and treatment of candidates, transparency and proper use of public funds).
Modification of public contracts: 5th research report by the Chair of Public Contract Law
La Chaire de droit des contrats publics (the Chair) of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, published in July 2023 the report ‘Modification des contrats de la commande publique’ (Modification of public contracts). This report is the result of a study conducted during the academic year 2022-2023 by the Chair of Public Contract Law, involving interviews and online surveys with many players in the field of public contract law. The research work was carried out by the researchers of the Chair, under the direction of Professor and EPLG member Francois Lichere and is available on the website.
The environmentalisation of public procurement: 4th research report by the Chair of Public Contract Law
La Chaire de droit des contrats publics (the Chair) of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, published in September 2022 the report ‘L’environnementalisation des marchés publics’, which is the result of a research project on the environmentalization of the legal framework of public procurement that took place between January and June 2022. The research work was carried out by the researchers of the Chair, under the direction of Professor and EPLG member Francois Lichere and is available on the website. The survey aimed to understand the construction of the legal framework for green public procurement and its adoption by public procurement actors in France. Semi-structured interviews and online questionnaires…
Droit des Contrats Administratifs 12e édition
The 12th edition of the handbook “Droit des Contrats Administratifs” (Administrative Contract Law) has been published in October 2021, by the EPLG member François Lichère, Professor of Public Law at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Director of the Chair of Public Contracts Law and consultant to French and foreign law firms, administrations and companies and Laurent Richer, Professor Emeritus of Public Law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and lawyer specialist in public law (Richer et associés Law Firm). This handbook, which has already been used by several generations of students and practitioners, studies, on the one hand, the general regime of administrative contracts and, on the other,…
EPLG Members Caranta, Lichère, Telles and Trybus spoke at the Colloque Teckal in Lyon on 12 February 2020 🗓 🗺
EPLG members Roberto Caranta, François Lichère, Pedro Telles and Martin Trybus spoke at the Colloque L’exception in house, 20 ans après l’arrêt Teckal, that was organised on 12 February 2020 at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon III. Here is the flyer of the event.
Modernising Public Procurement: The New Directive
The recently approved Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU has brought a major overhaul to EU law and made significant changes to the obligations of contracting authorities in the Member States. Concurrently, the new directive has introduced some measures of flexibility and important new requirements. This book focuses on the essence of these changes, starting with the definition of a public procurement contract to end with changes to concluded contracts. In between many very important aspects of the reform are analysed, including the new rules on in house and public-public partnerships, on qualification, on the new and more flexible award procedures, including those aimed at fostering innovation. Specific attention is also…
Enforcement of the EU Public Procurement Rules
The European procurement Law Series Vol. 3. The analysis provided in this book focus on the interpretation, implementation and practice in a range of Member States of the EU as enforcement mainly takes place at national level and on the recent changes introduced with Remedies Directive 2007/66. It also considers the correlation between the available remedies, whether the different national systems all are leading to effectiveness, enforcement of the public procurement rules outside of the Public Procurement Directives and includes a general comparative study of the national enforcement regimes.