5th European Conference: Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement will take place in Lisbon on 5-6 of May 2022
The APMEP – Associação Portuguesa dos Mercados Públicos (Portuguese Society of Public Markets) organizes the 5th European Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement that will take place on 5-6 May 2022 in Lisbon. Among the confirmed Invited Plenary Speakers there are EPLG members Professors Marta Andhov, François Lichère and Roberto Caranta, who will chair the Conference together with Professor Luís Valadares Tavares. The Program has the following major sessions including an initial keynote speech, presentation and discussion of submitted papers: A – COP26 and New Challenges for SPP B – Sustainable Design and Construction Procurement C – SPP Using New procedures of Directives 2014 D – ICT Sustainable…
1st Annual Public Procurement Council organized by Lexxion Publisher will be held online on 9 February 2022
The Legal Publisher Lexxion organizes the 1st Annual Public Procurement Council, to be held online on 9 February 2022 at 9.00 a.m CET. The event will benefit from the participation of the board of the European Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Journal, who have been thought leaders in European public procurement law for decades. EPLG member Professor Dacian Dragos will give a keynote in the first session on “Probity in Public Procurement, including Procurement Audit”. The discussion will offer a deep dive into the most recent developments in the field of Public Procurement, covering theory, practice and case law. To register and see the event detailed program…
Decision n. 7053/2021, 20 October 2021, Council of State, sez. V, Italy (EN)
Prof. Dr. Marta Andhov contributed to the EU Parliament hearing on Sustainable Public Procurement: using the full potential of public buying to achieve goals of the european green deal
On 1st December 2021, Associate Professor and EPLG member Marta Andhov, contributed to the public hearing of the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection in association with the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety titled ‘Sustainable public procurement: using the full potential of public buying to achieve goals of the European Green Deal.’ At the hearing, Prof. Marta Andhov gave her view of regulatory issues concerning SPP and stressed the need of revisiting the fundamentals. She highlighted the importance of balancing the internal market and sustainability objectives of the Union. In particular, the internal market in 2021-2022 must truly encapsulate the ‘social market economy’…
On 3 December 2021, the Eurosystem Procurement Coordination Office (EPCO) held the 2021 EPCO Public Procurement (Virtual) Conference. During the morning session, Carina Risvig Hamer, Associate Professor at the Centre for Information and Innovation Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, gave a presentation on “Joint Procurement and Centralised Purchasing – Different Approaches in the EU Member States”. Professor Hamer is currently the research manager of a large research project on Central purchasing bodies (CPBs), funded by the Independent research fund, Denmark. She has a long of publications and is co-editor of a book on CPBs and Centralised Purchasing.
We are inviting you to participate in the second SAPIENS Network’s Advanced Training Course (ATC 2). In this ATC, SAPIENS is covering the notion of the circular economy (CE) and its effect on SPP with a focus on SDG 12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), including a hands-on workshop on enhancing GPP through CE and a Round table with representatives of European Institutions. This course allow the Early Stage Researchers to develop a deep insight to create a foundation for their future careers ranging from academia to policy and law-making and to preparation and delivery of SPP solutions and tools capable of contributing to the achievement of the…
EPLG Member Mario Comba spoke at the International Conference “The Challenge of Recovery and the Role of Public Procurement” held between 10 and 12 November in Zaragoza, Spain
EPLG Member and Professor Mario Comba spoke at the International Conference “The Challenge of Recovery and the Role of Public Procurement”, held in Zaragoza, Spain, between 10 and 12 November 2021. Comba’s talk took place on 11 November within the Panel on “Public procurement for a modern health system: towards better patient care”. This International Conference was promoted by different Public Procurement Observatories and Universities and was also sponsored by the Government of Aragón and the Chamber of Zaragoza.
EPLG Member Mario Comba participated in the workshop “Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements”, held at University of Copenhagen on 27 October 2021
EPLG Member Mario Comba participated in the workshop for research project: “Safeguarding Competition and Equal Access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements”, held at University of Copenhagen on 27 October 2021. The research project investigates whether central purchasing bodies’ agreements are safeguarding the aim of the procurement rules and find new ways of creating competitive and flexible agreements. During the workshop several Danish researchers in the field of public procurement presented their studies around CPBs.
La Chaire de droit des contrats publics – The Chair of Public Contract Law at Jean Moulin University Lyon 3
In 2020 François Lichère, member of the EPLG and Professor of Public Law at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, founded The Chair of Public Contract Law (Chaire de droit des contrats publics) of which he is the director. In addition to Professor Lichère, the research team includes the Post-doctoral Students Adeline Meyner-Pozzi, Valentin Lamy and Oriane Sulpice. The main purpose of the Chair is to build a network of interested buyers and awarding authorities, contracting companies, public institutions and academic specialists, in order to better understand the implementation of legal rules on public contracts and contribute to the development of contractual, textual and jurisprudential rules better suited to public…
EPLG Members Caranta and Sanchez-Graells co-edited the book “European Public Procurement. Commentary on Directive 2014/24/EU”
The book – published in Elgar Commentaries series – was edited by Roberto Caranta, Full Professor of Administrative Law, Law Department, University of Turin, Italy and Albert Sanchez-Graells, Professor of Economic Law, School of Law, University of Bristol, UK. This detailed Commentary provides an authoritative interpretation of each provision in the main EU Directive on public procurement – Directive 2014/24/EU, and is rich in its critical analysis of the provisions of the 2014 Directive and the case-law. The Commentary also highlights the application problems and interpretative issues being raised in EU Member States, which in due time will make their way up to the CJEU or even require further…