Works of EPLG members

New book ‘Public procurement – Centralisation and new trends’
EPLG members, Profs. Carina Risvig Hamer and Kirsi-Maria Halonen co-edited the book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’, published by the Danish publisher Djøf Forlag in April 2024. The book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’ is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The publication contains many contributions within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement, also based on presentations given at a conference organised in 2023 as part of the CPB Project.

Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education
EPLG member Prof. Roberto Caranta contributed to the recently published book Sustainability in Public Procurement, Corporate Law and Higher Education, edited by Lela Melon and published on December 12, 2023, by Routledge. Caranta’s chapter is titled ‘Public procurement for the SDGs – Rethinking the basics’.

Sustainable Food Procurement. Legal, Social and Organisational Challenges
EPLG member Prof. Roberto Caranta co-edited the new book Sustainable Food Procurement. Legal, Social, and Organisational Challenges, together with experts Mark Stein, Maurizio Mariani and Yiannis Polychronakis. The anthology was published on February 23, 2024 by Routledge. The book features two contributions from EPLG members: Roberto Caranta authored the chapter titled The impact of the “Farm to Fork” strategy on sustainable food and catering procurement and Marta Anhov co-authored the chapter Transforming food systems. The role of public procurement.

New study on Due Diligence and EU Institutions’ Public Procurement
SAPIENS Network’s coordinator and lead researcher, Prof. Roberto Caranta, collaborated with Claire Methven O’Brien on a pioneering report examining the implementation of human rights and sustainability due diligence in the procurement activities of EU institutions. The report, titled “Due Diligence in EU Institutions’ Own-Account Procurement: Rules and Practices”, was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT). The findings reveal a gap in sustainability due diligence across the European Parliament, European Commission, and EU agencies and recommendations are made accordingly. Read the full study to discover the key findings and recommendations for more sustainable and responsible procurement practices by the EU institutions.

Digitalisation of public procurement: 6th research report by the Chair of Public Contract Law
La Chaire de droit des contrats publics (the Chair) of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, published in December 2023 the report ‘La digitalisation de la commande publique‘ (Digitalisation of public procurement). The study investigates whether digitalisation contributes directly or indirectly to improving and facilitating the practice of public procurement professionals, as well as to satisfying the fundamental principles of public procurement (equal access and treatment of candidates, transparency and proper use of public funds).