EPLG Members Spoke in Turin on September 22 on military procurement 🗓 🗺
On September 22, 2017, EPLG members Luke Butler, Roberto Caranta, Mario Comba, and Martin Trybus spoke at the conference International Public Procurement: comparing the EU and the US. The case of military procurement, co-organised at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra of Turin, Italy, by the Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, the Centro di Diritto Comparato e Transnazionale, the Law Department of the University of Turin, Confindustria Piemonte, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.
EPLG Members Spoke at the Copenhagen University on May 4 and 5 🗓 🗺
On May 4 and 5, 2017, EPLG members Piotr Bogdanowicz, Roberto Caranta, Dacian Dragos, Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Steen Treumer and Martin Trybus spoke at the international conference on Procurement beyond price: Sustainability and CSR in public purchasing, organised by Marta Andrecka at the Copenhagen University. Presentations are available at this link. Here are some pictures from the conference.
EPLG Members will speak at ICPS Procurement Week in London 🗓
EPLG Members Roberto Caranta, Dacian C. Dragos, Alberto Sanchez-Graells and Pedro Telles will speak at the Procurement Week 2017 organised by the Institute for Competition and Procurement Studies in London, @ The Cristal, 21st – 23rd March 2017.
Research Handbook on EU Public Procurement Law
Research Handbooks in European Law series Edited by Christopher Bovis, University of Hull, UK Public procurement law is a necessary component of the single market because it attempts to regulate the public markets of Member States and represents a key priority for the European Union. This Research Handbook makes a major contribution to the understanding of the current EU public procurement regime, its interface with the law of the internal market and the pivotal role that this will play in the delivery of the European 2020 Growth Strategy. With contribution by: R. Caranta, D.C. Dragos, A. Sanchez Graells, M. Trybus http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/research-handbook-on-eu-public-procurement-law
EU Public Contract Law
This book analyses many aspects of the present EU regulatory framework for public contracts, especially public procurement, taking the ongoing reform process into account. First, several chapters discuss the regime of the Public Sector Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC governing the procurement activities of the EU Member States, the coverage of the Directive, qualification and technical specifications, procurement procedures, and award criteria.
Modernising Public Procurement: The New Directive
The recently approved Public Procurement Directive 2014/24/EU has brought a major overhaul to EU law and made significant changes to the obligations of contracting authorities in the Member States. Concurrently, the new directive has introduced some measures of flexibility and important new requirements. This book focuses on the essence of these changes, starting with the definition of a public procurement contract to end with changes to concluded contracts. In between many very important aspects of the reform are analysed, including the new rules on in house and public-public partnerships, on qualification, on the new and more flexible award procedures, including those aimed at fostering innovation. Specific attention is also…
The Law of Green and Social Procurement in Europe
The European procurement Law Series Vol. 2. Objectives related to environmental and social concerns range from the award of contracts to workshops for the disabled to strict environmental specifications, and are the subject of this book. The analysis covers the European Union internal market law of green and social procurement with emphasis on the interpretation, implementation and practice in a range of Member States of the EU and includes a comparative study.
Sustainable Public Procurement under EU Law
New Perspectives on the State as Stakeholder This book examines the effectiveness of the modernisation of EU public procurement law in light of the overarching treaty goals on sustainability. Contributors expertly cover core issues of public procurement, including life cycle costing (LCC), eco- and fairtrade labels, the link to the subject matter (LtSM) requirement, the mandatory horizontal rule on environmental and social legal compliance, and framework agreements. With contribution by Roberto Caranta, Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu http://www.cambridge.org/it/academic/subjects/law/european-law/sustainable-public-procurement-under-eu-law-new-perspectives-state-stakeholder