• Centralising Public Procurement. The Approach of EU Member States

    This timely book examines the ever-increasing prevalence of Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs), analysing their use and structure across different EU Member States. It argues that since CPBs are only partially regulated at EU level, their operations will depend on the legislation of the individual Member States and more importantly on the States’ distinct practices and traditions. Comparative contributions consider the legal nature and structures of CPBs across 12 Member States and the UK.  

  • Modernising Public Procurement. The Approach of EU Member States

    This topical book offers an in-depth analysis of the recent implementation of the Public Procurement Directive, based on the experiences of 12 Member States including France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The contributions from first-class public procurement law experts offer an informed and comparative analysis of the recent implementation of the Public Procurement Directive, as well as focusing on so-called gold-plating (overimplementation) and issues where the legality of the implemented legislation is questionable.

  • Members Blog,  News

    New book! Modernising Public Procurement. The Approach of EU Member States

    Modernising Public Procurement. The Approach of EU Member States, a new book with contributions by many EPLG members, is on pre-order now! The book was edited by EPLG Members Steen Treumer and Mario Comba and it was published by Edward Elgar Publishing, in their European Procurement Law series edited by Steen Treumer and Roberto Caranta. It welcomes contributions by R. Ågren, P. Bogdanowicz, M. Burgi, R. Caranta, M. Comba, D. Dragos, P. Ferk, K. Härginen, F. Lichère, B. Neamtu, S. Richetto, A. Sanchez-Graells, M.A. Simovart, A. Sundstrand, S. Treumer, P. Valcárcel Fernández, D. Wolff. The book can be pre-ordered at https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/modernising-public-procurement, with an online 20% discount. Here is a flyer, available for circulation. Here…

  • Events,  News

    EPLG Members Spoke in Turin on September 22 on military procurement 🗓 🗺

    On September 22, 2017, EPLG members Luke Butler, Roberto Caranta, Mario Comba, and Martin Trybus spoke at the conference International Public Procurement: comparing the EU and the US. The case of military procurement, co-organised at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra of Turin, Italy, by the Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, the Centro di Diritto Comparato e Transnazionale, the Law Department of the University of Turin, Confindustria Piemonte, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.

  • The In-House Providing in European Law

    This book focuses on the distinction between in-house and ex-house providing. The consequence of categorising an arrangement as in-house is that it falls outside the scope of the European public procurement rules. The publication discusses the issue in a broader perspective and looks into the interpretation, implementation and practice in a range of Member States.