Decision n. 458427, 20 July 2022, Council of State, Commune du Lavandou, France
Decision n. 454189, 17 June 2022, Council of State, Société Lacroix City Saint-Herblain, classé B, France
Decision n. 459678, 3 May 2022, Council of State, Commune de Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, France
Decision n. 2, 25 January 2022, Council of State, Plenary Meeting, Italy
Decision n. 7709, 5 September 2022, Council of State, sect. IV, Italy
Prof. Caranta spoke at the webinar ‘Green procurement in healthcare: green procurement in Italy and Europe’
On 7 February, Prof. Roberto Caranta spoke during a webinar on Green Public Procurement (GPP), organised by TrendSanità – Policy & Procurement in HealthCare. He presented the state of the art of GPP, and more generally of Sustainable Public Procurement, both in Italy and in Europe, and discussed what we can expect in the future. He emphasized the advantages of establishing mandatory minimum criteria in public procurement (e.g. CAM – minimum environmental criteria in Italy), and stressed the need to train practitioners, with an interdisciplinary approach. The recording of the discussion, delivered in Italian, is available here
Profs. Caranta, Andhov and Janssen presented their study on mandatory sustainability requirements in public procurement at The Greens/EFA of the European Parliament
On 10 January, EPLG Members Roberto Caranta, Marta Andhov and Willem A. Janssen, together with the colleague Olga Martin-Ortega, presented their final report on ‘How to drive Sustainable Public Procurement forward in the European Union?’ at The Greens/EFA of the European Parliament. They discussed the main findings of their analysis of the legislative development from ‘how to buy’ to ‘what to buy’ in current and future EU legislative initiatives. The report will be published in due course. Meanwhile, an edited volume on this topic is due to be published this year, namely W.A. Janssen, R. Caranta (eds.), Mandatory Sustainability Requirements in EU Public Procurement Law: Reflections on a Paradigm…
Prof. Caranta, Comba and Sánchez Graells will speak at the South Public Procurement Seminar on 16 December 2022
Professors Roberto Caranta, Mario Comba and Albert Sánchez Graells, members of the EPLG Group, will speak during the South Public Procurement Seminar, to be held on 16th December 2022 at the University of Turin, Department of Law, and online. The seminar was organised by the research Center for Global Governance of the University of Salamanca, the Department of Law of the University of Turin and the the Military Law Observatory of the Javeriana University. It has the objective of creating a space for interdisciplinary dialogue among the different experts on innovation and sustainability in public procurement, with special emphasis on Latin America and Southern Europe. The event will be…
Prof. Martin Trybus will speak at the World Bank event on Invigorating SMEs and Startups through Public Procurement Market
On 8 November 2022, Prof. and EPLG member Martin Trybus, will speak in the webinar ‘Invigorating SMEs and startups through public procurement market’, organised by the World Bank’s Sustainable Procurement for Development (SP4D) CoP. Among the speakers will be Arturo Herrera, Global Director, Governance GP, The World Bank; Manjola Malo, Senior Procurement Specialist, ELCRU Latin America and Caribbean Region, The World Bank; Tania Ghossein, Senior Private Sector Specialist, Investment Climate Unit, The World Bank and Nazaneen Ali, Lead Procurement Specialist, MNA Governance GP, The World Bank. The event will mainly discuss the barriers to SMEs’ access to the Public Procurement Market, how to increase the number of SMEs winning…
Prof. Roberto Caranta spoke at the International Exchange Forum on Sustainable Public Food Procurement 2022
On 25, 26 and 27 October, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) held online the ‘International Exchange Forum on Sustainable Public Food Procurement 2022. Overcoming challenges and learning lessons from lessons from local governments.’ Central to their joint project on implementing sustainable public food procurement practices to catalyse a shift towards sustainable urban food systems, the forum brought together experts from Africa, Europe, and Latin America for cross-border exchange. With technical and regional discussion sessions, the event facilitated exchanges on key topics in relation to Sustainable Public Food Procurement, such as the role and responsibility of local…