The liability of a contracting authority for an infringement of public procurement rules leading to a contract’s ineffectiveness – A Finnish approach – Kirsi-Maria Halonen
The remedy of contractual ineffectiveness, based on the article 2 d of the Remedies Directive 2007/661, was implemented in Finland by the Act on Public Contracts (laki julkisista hankinnoista 30.3.2007/348, later referred as “APC”) in June 2010. The Remedies Directive 2007/66 left it to the Member States to decide whether the contractual ineffectiveness has retrospective (ex tunc) or prospective (ex nunc) effects. Unlike Sweden, Finland chose the latter. According to section 96.4 of the APC, a contract may be declared ineffective solely concerning the unperformed contractual obligations. The remedy of prospective contractual ineffectiveness applies only to contracts above the EU thresholds in Finland.2 Since the implementation of the Remedies…
Shielding Against Damages for Ineffectiveness: The Limitations of Liability Available for Contracting Authorities – A Finnish Approach
K-M.Halonen, Shielding Against Damages for Ineffectiveness: The Limitations of Liability Available for Contracting Authorities – A Finnish Approach peer-reviewed, Public Procurement Law Review (P.P.L.R.) 2015, 4, 111-121.
Research Handbook on EU Public Procurement Law
Research Handbooks in European Law series Edited by Christopher Bovis, University of Hull, UK Public procurement law is a necessary component of the single market because it attempts to regulate the public markets of Member States and represents a key priority for the European Union. This Research Handbook makes a major contribution to the understanding of the current EU public procurement regime, its interface with the law of the internal market and the pivotal role that this will play in the delivery of the European 2020 Growth Strategy. With contribution by: R. Caranta, D.C. Dragos, A. Sanchez Graells, M. Trybus
Systematische Darstellung für Praxis und Ausbildung Das Vergaberecht prägt das Wirtschaftsgeschehen im Umfang von rund 20 % des BIP. Es bestimmt über die erfolgreiche und wirtschaftliche Erfüllung von Verwaltungsaufgaben respektive über den unternehmerischen Erfolg. Verstöße haben erhebliche Konsequenzen, die Rechtsschutzintensität ist groß. By Martin Burgi
EU Public Contract Law
This book analyses many aspects of the present EU regulatory framework for public contracts, especially public procurement, taking the ongoing reform process into account. First, several chapters discuss the regime of the Public Sector Procurement Directive 2004/18/EC governing the procurement activities of the EU Member States, the coverage of the Directive, qualification and technical specifications, procurement procedures, and award criteria.
Competitive Dialogue in EU Procurement
Competitive dialogue is a procedure introduced into the EU procurement system in 2004 to provide an improved method for awarding complex contracts, such as those for public infrastructure and major IT systems. This book provides a critical examination of the legal rules on this new procedure, focusing in particular on grey areas such as availability of the procedure and the scope for negotiations after ‘final tenders’. With contribution by Steen Treumer, Martin Burgi, Pedro Telles, Gabriella Racca
Buying Defence and Security in Europe
The EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive in Context Buying Defence and Security in Europe is the first critical evaluation of the EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive 2009/81/EC, which is now the basis for public and private entities buying armaments and sensitive goods and services in the EU. This instrument aims to ensure non-discrimination, competition and transparency in the security sectors. By Martin Trybus
Sustainable Public Procurement under EU Law
New Perspectives on the State as Stakeholder This book examines the effectiveness of the modernisation of EU public procurement law in light of the overarching treaty goals on sustainability. Contributors expertly cover core issues of public procurement, including life cycle costing (LCC), eco- and fairtrade labels, the link to the subject matter (LtSM) requirement, the mandatory horizontal rule on environmental and social legal compliance, and framework agreements. With contribution by Roberto Caranta, Dacian C. Dragos, Bogdana Neamtu