Raimundo Miguel Assis
Miguel Assis Raimundo is Associate Professor of the University of Lisbon’s School of Law (Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa), where he teaches since 2006, and Research Fellow of Lisbon Public Law, the Lisbon Center for Research in Public Law (Centro de Investigação de Direito Público), since 2013. He maintains regular collaborations with other schools, namely the School of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University (Universidade Católica Portuguesa).
PhD in Public Law (University of Lisbon, 2012), with a thesis on the balancing between the protection of competition and the other aspects of public interest in Public Procurement Law (published as A formação dos contratos públicos. Uma concorrência ajustada ao interesse público, Lisboa: AAFDL, 2013).
He lectures and researches in different fields of Public Law, with a primary focus on the Law of Public Procurement and Public Contracts, covering also other topics of Administrative Law and Litigation, Constitutional Law and Fundamental Rights. He currently teaches Public Procurement Law, Administrative Law and Administrative Litigation at the Graduate and Masters levels.
He is part of several research projects and international networks and collaborates with journals as peer reviewer or member of editorial boards (namely the European Journal of Public Procurement Markets, the portuguese Revista da Ordem dos Advogados and the brazilian Revista dos Contratos Públicos).
His current areas of interest in research and teaching include: principles of public procurement common to different legal orders and efforts for harmonization and uniformization of public procurement and contracts law; public procurement and contracts in the international sphere; interplay between public and private law of contracts; sustainable public procurement; tools for integrity and transparency in public procurement; public procurement and crisis resilience; centralized and aggregated procurement (frameworks, dynamic purchasing systems, central purchasing bodies); public procurement and dispute resolution.
He also works as a practitioner, as Attorney at Law and Legal Adviser to public and private entities.
A list of relevant publications is available here.
Email: miguelraimundo@fd.ulisboa.pt