Decision n. 11186, 27th December 2023, Council of State, sec. V, Italy
Judgment of 20th December 2023 of the SAC (case 0693/20.2BELSB), Portugal
Judgment of 7th December 2023 of the SAC (case 0275/22.4BECTB), Portugal
Judgment of 17th November 2023 of the SAC (case 210/18.4BELLE), Portugal
Judgment of 9th November 2023 of the SAC (case 01033/22.1BELRA), Portugal
Decision n. 465913, 17th October 2023, Council of State, Commune de Viry-Châtillon and n. 469071, Syndicat intercommunal d’énergies du département de la Loire, classé B, France
Decision n. 464955, 13th October 2023, M. Carré et Collectif alétois de gestion publique de l’eau, classé B, France
Judgment of 14th September 2023 of the SAC (case 01418/22.3BELSB), Portugal
Judgment of 13th July 2023 of the SAC (case 01657/20.1BELSB), Portugal
Judgment of 6th July 2023 of the SAC (case 02727/21.4BEPRT), Portugal