Decision n. 9426, 31st October 2022, Council of State, sec. IV, Italy
Decision n. 14389, 4th November 2022, Regional Tribunal of Lazio, sec. V, Italy
Decision n. 16, 14th December 2022, Council of State, Plenary meeting, Italy
Decision of the Higher Court of Justice of Galicia, March 10th, 2023, (Roj: STSJ GAL 1418/2023 – ECLI:ES:TSJGAL:2023:1418), Spain
Decision of the Higher Court of Justice of Madrid, February 22nd, 2023, (Roj: STSJ M 1886/2023 – ECLI:ES:TSJM:2023:1886), Spain
Decision of the Higher Court of Justice of Cantabria, March 2nd, 2023, (Roj: STSJ CANT 238/2023 – ECLI:ES:TSJCANT:2023:238), Spain
Decision of 30th March 2023 (case 01576/21.4BEPRT), Portugal
Decision of 23rd March 2023 (case 01235/21.8BEPRT), Portugal
Decision of 9th February 2023 (case 025/21.2BEPRT), Portugal
Decisions n. 465171 and 465174, 15th March 2023, Council of State, Ville de Paris, classified B, France