The fifth SAPIENS Advanced Training Course (ATC) will be held on 19-22 October at the University of Lodz, Faculty of Organisation and Management, in the city of Lodz, Poland. The ATC includes lectures by distinguished professors and sustainability and procurement experts and will focus on tools for sustainable supply chain management, including standards, life cycle analyses, and eco-labeling as well as the role of product design and its impact on a sustainable supply chain. Social aspects, including human rights, in supply chain management will also be discussed. The ATC will be relevant for early-stage researchers, practitioners interested in procurement and sustainability such as representatives of contracting authorities, central purchasing…
On 22 June FAO launches its publication on Public food procurement for sustainable food systems and healthy diets
On June 2022 the FAO’s Food and Nutrition Division will host a webinar to launch its book Public food procurement for sustainable food systems and healthy diets, and share key analyses and lessons learned. The study was recently published together with the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Building on the increasing recognition of PFP initiatives and gathering contributions from 100 authors from multiple fields, covering experiences from 32 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America, the publication represents one of the most comprehensive contributions on the topic to date. During the webinar, EPLG member Roberto…
EPLG Meeting 2022 was held on 19-20 May in Vienna
The Annual Meeting of the European Procurement Law Group was held on 19-20 May 2022 at the WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, hosted by Professor and EPLG member Christoph Krönke. During the event, EPLG books were presented. You can watch the recording of the Book Slam session on youtube. In addition, the theme of the forthcoming EPLG book “Public Procurement and Digital Technologies” was thoroughly addressed, with presentations by EPLG Members Christoph Krönke, Roberto Caranta, Albert Sanchez-Graells and Patricia Valcárcel Fernández, among others. The meeting was also an opportunity to discuss internal EPLG matters and present other EPLG projects.
The forth SAPIENS Advanced Training Course (ATC) will be held on 15-17 June at the University of Gävle (Högskolan i Gävle), in the city of Gävle, Sweden. The event includes lectures by distinguished professors and procurement experts and will focus on sustainability assessment and benchmarking, reporting, and collaboration for sustainable public procurement. The ATC will be relevant for early-stage researchers, practitioners interested in procurement and sustainability such as representatives of contracting authorities, central purchasing bodies, procurement agencies, governmental procurement departments, and other procurement professionals. More information, agenda and registration for the event here.
On 15 March Member Albert Sánchez Graells spoke at the 2nd Expert Seminar on Administrative Law and Technological Innovation
On 15 March Member Albert Sánchez Graells spoke at the 2nd Expert Seminar on Administrative Law and Technological Innovation, organized by the Centre for European Studies “Luis Ortega Álvarez” of the University of Castilla–La Mancha (UCLM), the Sustainable and Responsible Public Procurement Class and the Administrative Law Area of the UCLM, under the direction of Javier Miranzo Díaz. Professor Sanchez-Graells gave the introductory lecture “Digital technologies and public procurement: a double interaction”. You can find more information about the Seminar here
On 7 March Members François Lichère and Roberto Caranta spoke at the workshop “Public Procurement : An Accelerator for the European Green Deal”, during the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 in Nantes
On March 7th, 2022, Members François Lichère and Roberto Caranta spoke at the workshop “Public Procurement : An Accelerator for the European Green Deal”, during the Climate Chance Summit Europe 2022 in Nantes, held in synergy with the European climate conference organised by the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union (PFEU). Find out more about the workshop and the full event here
SAPIENS NETWORK 3rd Advanced Training Course will be held in Rome on 6-8 April 2022
The third Advanced Training Course (ATC) organized by SAPIENS Network and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” will take place in Rome from 6 to 8 April. The event includes lectures by distinguished professors and procurement experts and will focus on the role and the perspectives of actors involved in developing Sustainable Public Procurement rules and best practices across the globe. The ATC will be relevant for early-stage researchers such as PhDs and postdocs, practitioners interested in procurement and sustainability such as representatives of contracting authorities, central purchasing bodies, procurement agencies, governmental procurement departments, other procurement professionals. More information, agenda and registration for the event here.
5th European Conference: Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement will take place in Lisbon on 5-6 of May 2022
The APMEP – Associação Portuguesa dos Mercados Públicos (Portuguese Society of Public Markets) organizes the 5th European Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Public Procurement that will take place on 5-6 May 2022 in Lisbon. Among the confirmed Invited Plenary Speakers there are EPLG members Professors Marta Andhov, François Lichère and Roberto Caranta, who will chair the Conference together with Professor Luís Valadares Tavares. The Program has the following major sessions including an initial keynote speech, presentation and discussion of submitted papers: A – COP26 and New Challenges for SPP B – Sustainable Design and Construction Procurement C – SPP Using New procedures of Directives 2014 D – ICT Sustainable…
1st Annual Public Procurement Council organized by Lexxion Publisher will be held online on 9 February 2022
The Legal Publisher Lexxion organizes the 1st Annual Public Procurement Council, to be held online on 9 February 2022 at 9.00 a.m CET. The event will benefit from the participation of the board of the European Public Procurement and Public Private Partnerships Law Journal, who have been thought leaders in European public procurement law for decades. EPLG member Professor Dacian Dragos will give a keynote in the first session on “Probity in Public Procurement, including Procurement Audit”. The discussion will offer a deep dive into the most recent developments in the field of Public Procurement, covering theory, practice and case law. To register and see the event detailed program…
Prof. Dr. Marta Andhov contributed to the EU Parliament hearing on Sustainable Public Procurement: using the full potential of public buying to achieve goals of the european green deal
On 1st December 2021, Associate Professor and EPLG member Marta Andhov, contributed to the public hearing of the European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection in association with the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety titled ‘Sustainable public procurement: using the full potential of public buying to achieve goals of the European Green Deal.’ At the hearing, Prof. Marta Andhov gave her view of regulatory issues concerning SPP and stressed the need of revisiting the fundamentals. She highlighted the importance of balancing the internal market and sustainability objectives of the Union. In particular, the internal market in 2021-2022 must truly encapsulate the ‘social market economy’…