Latest publication from “European Procurement Law Series”

Contract Changes: The Dark Side of Eu Procurement Law
Contract Changes comparatively analyses the contract modification regulation of 11 EU Member States, drawing on case law and common legal practice. As the first comparative study of material contract modifications, this book explores the interpretation of key concepts such as: unforeseen circumstances, non-equivocal clauses and the overall nature of the contract.
Latest Publication by EPL Group Members

New book ‘Public procurement – Centralisation and new trends’
EPLG members, Profs. Carina Risvig Hamer and Kirsi-Maria Halonen co-edited the book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’, published by the Danish publisher Djøf Forlag in April 2024. The book ‘Public Procurement- Centralisation and new trends’ is part of the research project, Safeguarding competition and equal access to Central Purchasing Bodies’ agreements, known as the CPB Project and funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The publication contains many contributions within the area of centralisation and new trends in public procurement, also based on presentations given at a conference organised in 2023 as part of the CPB Project.
Other Works

Sustainable Public Procurement of Infrastructure and Human Rights: Beyond Building Green
Co-edited by Olga Martin-Ortega, Professor of International Law and Director of the Business, Human Rights and the Environment Research Group (BHRE) at the School of Law, University of Greenwich and Laura Treviño-Lozano, Early Stage Researcher of Sapiens Network and PhD candidate at University of Greenwich, this innovative book addresses the links between sustainability and human rights in the context of infrastructure projects and uncovers the human rights gap in every stage of public procurement processes to deliver on infrastructure assets or services.