Transatlantic Defence Procurement. EU and US Defence Procurement in the Transatlantic Defence Market
Transatlantic Defence Procurement. EU and US Defence Procurement in the Transatlantic Defence Market (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017). 268 pages. ISBN: 9781107115514. GBP 95. By Luke R.A. Butler This volume constitutes the first ever attempt to establish a basis for comparative research on defence procurement regulation. For decades there has been repeated emphasis on the extent to which barriers to trade in Europe and the US prevent a more competitive defence market. Transatlantic Defence Procurement offers a first analysis of the potential impact of defence procurement regulation itself as a barrier to trade between the US and EU. Part I examines the external dimension of a new EU Defence Procurement Directive,…
EPLG Members Spoke in Turin on September 22 on military procurement 🗓 🗺
On September 22, 2017, EPLG members Luke Butler, Roberto Caranta, Mario Comba, and Martin Trybus spoke at the conference International Public Procurement: comparing the EU and the US. The case of military procurement, co-organised at the Centro Congressi Torino Incontra of Turin, Italy, by the Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei, the Centro di Diritto Comparato e Transnazionale, the Law Department of the University of Turin, Confindustria Piemonte, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino, with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo.