New Publication by Kirsi-Maria Halonen on Aggregation Rules under Public Procurement Law
A new publication was released by Kirsi-Maria Halonen, Characteristics of Separate Operational Units – A Study on Aggregation Rules under Public Procurement Law. It is a report for the Swedish Competition Authority, and can be downloaded here.
The concept of separate operational unit was introduced in 2014 Procurement Directives, but the directives provided very little guidelines on its interpretation or application. According to the 2014 directives a contract value can be based at the level of a single unit operating within a contracting authority in case it is independently responsible for its procurement. The Swedish Competition Authority requested the EPLG member Kirsi-Maria Halonen to look into the matter and in February 2017 the final report was published. In order to facilitate the application of aggregation rules, the report provides a practical checklist for public procurement practitioners for the evaluation of estimated contract value.