Decision n. 145/2018, 9 May 2018, Administrative Tribunal of Public Procurement of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (TACPM), Spain
Decision nº 78/2018, 26 January 2018, Central Administrative Tribunal of Contractual Appeals (TACRC), Spain
Edenred (UK Group) Limited and another (Appellants) v Her Majesty’s Treasury and others (Respondents) [2015] UKSC 45
Steen Treumer has sadly passed away
It is with a very heavy heart that we share the sad news that professor Steen Treumer, Copenhagen University has passed away . Steen was among the founders of the EPLG and a co-editor of the EPLG series. In 2008 he was among the few who first met in Orta San Giulio to discuss in house providing. Enthusiast about the project, he gladly accepted both to be one of our series editor, and to edit the first volume with Mario Comba, the brain father of this academic venture. While some publisher gave us a cold shoulder not believing in the relevance of comparative law as a tool to…
Oberlandesgericht (OLG) München, Order, 13 March 2017, Verg 15/16
OLG Düsseldorf, Order, 12 July 2018, VII-Verg 13/17
OLG Düsseldorf, Order, 11 July 2018, VII-Verg 1/18
Bundesgerichtshof, Order, 4 April 2017, X ZB 3/17
KHO 2019:85, 28.6.2019
KHO 2019:84, 26.6.2019